Cleft Palate
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Many men and women are born with a cleft palate, which causes a visible scar above their lip. This can be resolved with a combination of scareffects of cleft palate. camouflage techniques and permanent makeup techniques. Athena has had a lot of success camouflaging the effects cleft palate.

Bec Platz
Being born with a cleft lip in a country town in QLD, Australia, there was no local surgeons to operate on me. My family relocated to the city so I could receive my much needed operations to rebuild my mouth. The surgeons did a fantastic job, however, I had been left with a scar that went from my nostrils down through my lip and into my mouth, this also left me with thin, odd-shaped lips. I grew up being extremely self conscious and embarrassed about my odd shaped lips. I thought I would have to accept it and move on until one day I found a website I clicked on the gallery and to my surprise there was a before and after photo of a cleft patient like me. I was amazed and very emotional the results looked fantastic, and I immediately read up on about Athena Karsant, who was a world renowned cosmetic tattooist based in San Francisco. She was highly regarded by everyone who had worked with her or who had work done by her, so I immediately emailed Athena and started looking at flights from Australia within 24hours. I had received an email from Athena and had my appointment booked. After a long 20 hour flight from Brisbane, I was in San Francisco enduring my first session with Athena. I walked out of the clinic a new person. I could not stop looking in the mirror! I was so happy; she had done such a great job, and I was the happiest I had ever been. I can't thank Athena enough for the life changing experience. She gave me a new found confidence, and I can't thank her enough. I would highly recommend Athena to anyone who is considering cosmetic correction.